The future of Lutheran Education is directly connected to successful leadership. Principal 360 develops and equips a united network of Lutheran school principals as visionary educational thought leaders skilled at crafting and implementing a customized, comprehensive School Strategic Plan.

Comprehensive Full-Year Training and Development

Five courses led by acclaimed instructors from across the country via a combination of in-person and online learning culminating in a professional certification. Courses are presented in two-week modules, and together they are designed to develop strong leadership skills and a customized school strategic plan.

Master Class Member Meet-ups

Three in-person master classes provide members with an exclusive opportunity for face-to-face training and development with expert instructors and coaches in a personalized, collaborative environment.

One-on-One Coaching and Strategic Planning

Leadership coaching throughout the entire program supports the application of course content, professional growth, and strategic planning.

Fellowship-Funded Program

Over 80% of the cost is underwritten by Chicagoland Lutheran Educational Foundation and generous Supporting Partners.

Craft a Compelling Vision | Strengthen School Culture
Build High Performing Teams | Increase Engagement
Enhance Brand Value | Grow School Enrollment
Strengthen School Finances | Elevate Academics